Zahnärztliche Behandlungsempfehlungen von Kindern und Erwachsenen vor und nach einer Organtransplantation. S2k-LL (DGZMK)
- MeSH Terms
- Transplantation (E04.936)
- Guideline Contact
- Ina Kopp (
- English Title Translation
- Dental treatment recommendations for children and adults before and after organ transplantation
- Keywords
- odontogene Infektion und Organtransplantation, Parodontitis und Organtransplantation, Karies und Organtransplanatation, Zusammenhang Mundgesundheit und Organtransplantation, Dental treatment for children and adolescent before and after organ transplantation, dental treatment and organ transplantation, odontogenic infection and organ transplantation, periodontitis and organ transplantation, correlation between oral health and organ transplantation
- Date for Review
- 30/10/2026
- Publication Date
- 17/08/2022
- Publication Scope
- counselling
- management
- Countries of Application
- Germany
- Guideline Publication Status
- Published
- Languages
- German
- Authors
- Publication Year
- 2022