Mejora de la calidad de la información sobre el cáncer colo-rectal y de próstata en el Registro de Cáncer poblacional de Euskadi (RCE) y revisión bibliográfica (Informe nº: Osteba E-14-03)
- MeSH Terms
- Prostate (A10.336.707); Genital Neoplasms; Male (C04.588.945.440); Colorectal Neoplasms (C06.405.469.158.356); Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures (E01.370)
- Guideline Contact
- Asun Gutiérrez Iglesias (
- English Title Translation
- Enhancing the quality of information on colorectal and prostate cancer in the population cancer register of the Basque Country (RCE) and bibliographical review
- Publication Scope
- assessment
- Countries of Application
- Spain
- Guideline Publication Status
- Published
- Languages
- Spanish
- Authors
- Publication Year
- 2013